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  • logo for Anton Foundation

       100% Funded by

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    logo for Anton Holdings

Our mission is to provide shelter to all the homeless, disabled people worldwide; 80% of our profit goes towards this mission.

True Helpless

Imagine you are older, unable to work (nobody wants to hire you), your body is not the same anymore (even partially disabled), and you have nothing. Maybe you have kids, but they are not in a situation to provide care for you. Or you may not have any kids. What would you do? Well, many such people live on the streets today all over the world. That's where we come in; our goal is to provide accommodation, food, and required care for people in this situation. Today, we proudly support three such older people and our next goal is to build our first care center for the disabled homeless older adults.
picture of old women
picture of oldman

We do not accept Donations

Yes, you heard it right. We do not accept any donations. We are not a non-profit organization (also, we are not a for-profit organization). We are 100% funded by Anton Holdings and subsidiaries (Today, most of our funding comes from Chaosology). Our founder's goal is to eliminate the word homeless for any older personnel all over the world. Once we grow, we are also planning to support Orphan kids by providing them good education (again, that will be fully funded by us; and we do not accept donations).

Mission Impossible - Thanks to our clients

We know our mission seems impossible. We are determined to dedicate all our efforts to this mission and hope it becomes possible one day. Thanks to all our clients for supporting us; this growth wouldn't be feasible without our clients. Today, Chaosology allocates more than 50% of its profits towards Anton's Foundation.
picture of caring
logo for Shelter


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logo for Food


logo for Education


We do not accept donations. Founded in 2005.

logo for Anton Foundation